And So It Proved True

"One of the surprises that you get in the course will arise from the diverse ways that scholars with different disciplinary perspectives describe and think about complex issues. Those of you studying the sciences and technologies will, I predict, be uncomfortable with the discursive approach to knowledge that you will see in the approach of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. You will find your deeply-held notions of realism challenged and some of you might become quite upset. Those of you in the humanities and social sciences will be uncomfortable with the conviction you see in scholars from the sciences. You will find your views of knowledge as a social construct are not shared by these other scholars in very deep ways, and some of you will become uncomfortable with the counter-attacks on a number of cherished beliefs of the world of postmodern scholarship. All of this uncomfortableness is to be treasured."

Reflecting on what Lawrence Cram said at the beginning of this whole adventure, I can't help but applaud his prescience. However, I am equally surprised about how our tutorial group developed together and arrived at a reasonable point of empathy for each others points of view. There were definitely times when tutes escalated to frustration with people diametrically opposed to others. Upon reflection I think we gained more from our differences than we lost.